The Dust is Starting to Fly Again

Last year I came to the conclusion that this website needed a major change because it was getting rather large and too cumbersome for readers to navigate. I had decided to move things into categories so it is easier for you to look around at specific things.

When I started this last year I thought I could accomplish it by the end of last summer, but my author website crashed and I had spent all of my time revamping that one. This one kind of fell to the wayside because it was at least up and running.

Now that summer is fast approaching again, I HOPE to finish what I started and move postings to specific pages. I have done a little today thank goodness! So for those returning, all my postings from the past year are now organized into page categories that you will see up at the top. Each entry will have the corresponding date of when it was first posted on the website.

I will still continue to post the latest entries as I always have-- this is a blog after all LOL! BUT I will then copy the entry into the appropriate category so you can reference it at a later time. Hope this helps all of you to navigate the blog better!

Stay fabulous!


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