Sad Cat Diary

I know this video is a little off topic, well okay, it's A LOT off topic, but I thought you could use a little laugh. Not all of you may be cat lovers, but even if you know just a little about cats, or the expressions they give off from time to time, you will get this and hopefully laugh.

Sometimes with this illness, I tend to get too serious for my own good. In a sense, I ketch myself. My OCD used to be about cleaning, but now I find that I will obsess about eating perfect, thinking perfect, or exercising perfect so I feel okay. And honestly, that's not how I should be. That kind of thinking will eventually get me into the same trouble I had BD (Before Diagnosis).

So please, have a laugh, remember what it's like to just feel. We OCD people forget to do that because we are ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS trying to strive for perfection.

Oh, and dog lovers, I haven't forgotten about you. How can I? Sport is just as much a part of my life as Onyx! I'll post a "Sad Dog Diary" soon!

Stay fabulous!
Love and friendship,


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